Thanks for all of these responses. From what everyone has said and from what I've already known, obviously the best choice is just to refrain from the alcohol. Unfortunately, I'm affected by all kinds - beer, wine, liquor. If there was one culprit in particular, I would be happy to write it off and stick to the others, but they all seem to affect me equally.
I hope I didn't come off like some crazy booze-hound, it's just that being in your 20's in a city where every social event seems to revolve around alcohol it is sometimes difficult, not to mention just plain depressing to be the only stone cold sober one in the bunch. I really do keep my drinking to a minimum as much as I can...i say no to drinks all the time (which is inevitably followed by "what's wrong? why aren't you drinking?") I suppose it's something I'll just have to continue to live with.
The preemptive Imodium really helps, my biggest fear is that I may be doing some kind of long-term damage that will surface later in life. My doctor has suggested in the past that it can't really hurt me, but when i end up taking it two days in a row, I get a little nervous. I guess that's something I will have to work on.
Thanks for everyone's imput!