haktryn1110 I am so trying to feel how you feel about
IBS I've let myself become so isolated from other people that I've really become lonely.I've even distanced myself from my family especially my sister we used to be so close but now I hardly see her cause I choose to not spend time with her because of my IBS symptoms. I just can not get myself to go out and be around other people without feeling fearful that my symptoms will act up in public.I'm also scared of
opening up to people about
my ibs fearing they will not understand and will not want to stay around and accept that this is what I have.I should not really care but I need to get over the fact that this is something that I cant change and it is what it is and if someone cant understand then they do not need to be in my life.I'm really trying to work and talk that over in therapy to not feel disgusted or embarrassed over something that is a normal bodily function and just say **** it and live my life and not let it pass me by or let ibs get the best and all of me.I really do not know I do I just cant accept that this is my fate that will be with me for the rest of my life I still have hope that it will get better and I'll go back to how I used to feel but that realization is there that I'm going to have to live with this for the rest of my life and just cope and try to live my life to the fullest.I do not know how to do this I do not like change especially when it's bad I just really want to be my old self I want my freedom back!!!!!!! I would really like to read anyone's experiences with not letting IBS rule their life to where you can function and have friends and enjoy your life.What do I need to say or do to not feel embarrassed or disgusted over my symptoms and how do I
open up to people in explaining living with IBS.Trust me I've tried to and my words get all jumbled up and I get nervous that people will just cringe at my explanation of IBS.Guys please I need your help and advice when I come on here I'm reminded that I'm not alone but in my reality I feel alone cause I have not been able to meet anyone like me or you all dealing with IBS especially in my age group.This would not be so hard to deal with if I had someone in my life that I could really relate to to share stories and just spend time with without feeling scared or nervous that I might need to run to use the restroom once or more then once.I will really look forward to reading anyone's advice or experiences wishing you all good digestive health take care.