Thanks so much but that has been all checked out...Had my gallbladder removed in93, just had my gyno appt 2 weeks ago, so it is none of those things.... Today had to do an enema again and now my bowels and intestines are so swollen that my pants dont fit. Having the messintery vascular scan in the morning to see if the blood is flowing properly in my intestines and blood work again even though they did blood work 2 weeks ago.
I quit smoking 3 months ago and ended up buying a pack last night because I was so irritated, so took a couple of puffs, and ofcourse it tasted horrible so dont want to do that. I would just hate myself if I started smoking again, it took me too long to quit. But I get so anxioited that I have to do something. Well time to eat some soup, have a good day....Leslie