Hey everyone I hope you all are well I'm just having the worst night I hate speaking about
negative things things are so negative because of my IBS symptoms.I hate having to deal with the dreaded D I hate saying the name because I just wish it's something I'll never have to experience for the rest of my life.When I think it's been held off for a good while not having a bad bout of it I feel I've found the answer from ever having to deal with it.Then days like this happen it's just makes me so angry I dont know which I hate more having gas or experiencing a bout of the D.I thought the enzymes were the answer from not going through the D ever I just want to be free from it!!!!! Is calcium citrate good for the d? I heard if you experience constipation you should not use it please let me know what you guys know about
this I would greatly appreciate it.
People say I need to keep my faith in God and still thank him no matter how bad it is.I truely feel it's the worst that it can every be sometimes this is why I ****ing stay home all the time after I eat a meal.God forbid if I had to go through a bout of the D out in public I'd probably end up taking my life my worst nightmare coming to life!!!! I ask God everyday dam day why are you allowing me to go through so much misery? I'm sick and tired of this all of this my life is so miserable I have nothing to be happy about.IBS has taken away everything I loved about my life!!!!! I dont want to accept that I have to live this way!!!!! I'm ****ing mad!!!!! I would not wish IBS on my worst enemy!!!! no one deserves to go through what we go through!!!!! food is not supposed to cause us harm but be fuel and energy for our bodies.I swear if I ever come through all this mess and God has healed me from IBS.I will make it my life's work to fight for the main reason for IBS and a cure,I will fight for funding for people who are home bound by this helping them out having to quit thier jobs or school.I will fight for more support groups and having a community for those who feel alone in this fight!!!!!!! being able to show more compassion and understanding for those who deal with this.Hopefully helping people not feel so embarrassed by this this is my promise!!!!!
I want better then what I have now I will get my life back!!! and I will be happy!!!! I will get to spend time with my closest friends!!!! I will travel this beautiful world!!! I will be in a loving relationship!!!! this will not be the rest of my life!!!!!! I have faith!!!!! I have to!!!! I wish you guys the same strength to get through this and hope you all will come out alright!!!!! sending all my love!!!!