I usually post on the ostomies site but something here caught my eye and I'm glad I stopped to read the posts. I have had surgery for severe constipation and yes I tried many meds-3 capfuls of miralax, 3 tablespoons of lactulose and 2 tablets of amitiza every day. This worked for a few months by producing 1 to 2 small bms a wk but after about
6 mos only produced pellet bms once every 2 wks. It was then that my GI dr recommended the colectomy surgery, I had never heard of it. Before I had my surgery I went through extensive testing which showed how my colon had dropped and was stretched and restricted in many areas. Prior to all of this testing I too was diagnosed as having IBS with severe constipation because I was scheduled for a colonoscopy and the prep I had taken did not go through my system for 10 days. So like many of you, I tried a different diet, meds, exercise, water, holistic therapy, you name, I tried it; but in the end the only thing that changed my life was surgery. I'm not saying surgery is for everyone but sometimes it IS the answer for some.
I had an open surgery and was only in the hospital for 5 days. Yes, I did have many bms in the beginning (20 a day) but by 6 wks, I was having 8-10 a day and went back to work full-time teaching. Not once did I ever lose control of my bowels and it has been the BEST decision I have ever made! It's now been a little over a year and I haven't had any problems except that I do need to follow a low residue diet; but I had to follow a wheat free one before the surgery so I have always had food intolerances. Yes, some people do have complications from this surgery but not everyone does; and no you don't have to have a bag if you have your whole colon removed, they just attach your small intestines to your rectum and your small intestines learns to take over.
So, if you are truly suffering from constipation and have exhausted all treatments, seek a GI dr who can help you and provide you with other options because you deserve to feel better and HEALTHY!!!!!!!