Well I survived the pregnancy. First trimester was something else with both my IBS and morning sickness kicking my rear. Second and third trimester I felt almost normal. No running to the bathroom, no real pain, and actual normal movement. I had a few flares but it was heaven I tell ya
. I also lucked out and spent most of my labor asleep( gotta love the epidural).
But my IBS is back and it's worse. But it's also in a way that I fear means it's not IBS. Blood. And lots of it. I've had blood before but the GI guy just said it was most likely hemmies and it wasn't a big deal. It wasn't alot of blood before, just to stain the tissue but not the bowl. Mom's going to be taking me into the ER once she gets here because it's bad enough to stain the bowl deep red. I was putting off seeing yet another GI guy because the first two really didn't do much and I had one tell me that it was just IBS and there was nothing more he could do. I'm scared here. Very scared. Especially now that I have my son to consider as well.