I have had the worst case of IBS-D for 27 years. A couple of months ago, I did take Align. I decided to keep a record of the 'spells' I would have. Within about 12 days, I had atleast 27 bad spells. I decided to email the company and let them know, what was happening to me. After a quick response, they told me to stop taking the pills and to keep the remaining ones. They were going to tell their safety department (forgot which one). They had never had that problem before and so, they refunded my money. Since then while reading the posts online, I started taking Caltrate 600+D plus minerals calcium supplement. Within a week, I noticed a difference. Then I heard of the probiotics and found Acidophilus had them. I have been taking it for a couple of months and the difference is unbelievable!!! I can honestly say, I've only had a couple of spells; instead of running to the bathroom constantly.
Please try it and I wish you good health. I feel better. I think I'm still in shock that after 27 years, the help that I needed was on the shelf.