...no, not a bowel movement, but surgery
. I saw my GI doc yesterday and he is sending me for yet another test on the 15th and I have to see the surgeon on the 20th. For anyone that doesn't know, I'll be having a sub-total colectomy for severe colonic inertia. The closer this comes to being a reality, the more nervous I'm getting. I want to get better, but this will be a big (painful) step. It will be a major (painful) thing to go through. I hope I get through the discomfort (pain) and make a rapid recovery.
So far I've had the sitz mark test which was easy, next I had the anal manometry test which was way easier than a colonoscopy, but this latest test, defecography, is going to be cause for crawling under a rock and never coming out. They have to insert a thick barium preperation and then tell you to expell it while they take images. I know it's everyone's dream to poop in front of others, but I'm not looking forward to this at all .
Ah, the wonderful world of medicine!!!!!