Hello everyone, I usually post in the Crohns forum since I've had the disease for almost 12 years, but now I found out I have IBS on top of it..... This all started some days ago, with bloating, and pain in the middle of my left side of my belly. When I pass gas or have a bm it usually gets better, but only to return back in 2-3 hours... The bloating and the pain is so frustrating.... I went to my GI and he said that I should take buscopan which is for the pain, but I already take so many meds for my crohns..... This pain radiates sometimes to my back. The only thing I found out that helps a little is putting a warm heating pad in that area. I just wanted to ask, do my symptoms sound like IBS? I mean with my crohns I never had this kind of pain to my left side, the pain was always located to the right side where my terminal ileum is. So this is really something new to me. What can I do to help relief the pain?
Thanks in advance,
P.S. This is a very stressful period in my life, lots of problems, so maybe it has something to do with it.....