I have never discussed this with anyone other than doctors but I am almost at my wits end. I had my gall bladder removed in 1987 and since then, my BM's have never been the same. I do not digest food very well. about 5 years ago I developed diverticulitis. I am supposed to take citracel for fiber and eat a high fiber diet. I also take daily colon health capsules which was my doctors suggestion. I do not eat too much junk food since I had my gall bladder removed. I really for the most part (except I do cheat at times) eat a pretty healthy diet. I have no idea what triggers these episodes but I have very runny BM's with no warning. On several occassions I have used the bathroom on myself, even down my legs at work. I have to change clothes. This is starting to really get embarrassing because I have no warning and there has been people in my office when it starts. I have to excuse myself and get to the bathroom as fast as I can. I am starting to feel anxiety right after lunch every day if anyone comes to my office. When I don't have loose BM's then I have uncontrollable gas. I have had a colonoscopy and other than the confirmation of diverticulitis, nothing else was wrong. I have tried to pinpoint the problem to a particular food but cannot. It's like certain foods don't digest, they go straight through me. First I thought it was dairy products but I have ruled that out. If anyone has any suggestions of what I can do, I would appreciate it. I am 50 years old and too young for depends. This is very embarrassing!! I can't talk to any friends about this.