Hi Leonora.
Funny enough I have been seeing a Dietitian & she also suggested I try chia seeds along with a high fibre diet. After trying that & a low FODMAP's Diet I wasn't getting any better so last week went to see a naturapath on my sisters recommendation.
Consultation also included iridology & foot reading & although expensive what she eventually prescribed for me has actually started to work. She said my liver, gallbladder & pancrease were showing signs of inflamation & signs of parasites (which could explain the cysts on my liver) so she is treating all of these symptoms. I am also on HRT (3 yrs) & she told me to stop taking them as she believes this is alot of the problem also.
Anyway, my constipation & bloating is now much better. Still getting pain under ribs, front & back though, but I've only been this concoction for 6 days and am feeling very confident she is the one to help me.