Tom - this is what major surgery will do to you! It'll knock you flat on your back. I remember when I was awaiting my first colon surgery (the 5 hour procedure, the resection, creation of temp colostomy, gall bladder removal), I had 3 weeks of pre-op tests and visits to an oncologist, etc. One of them asked me - have you had surgery before? I nodded my head - yes, I have. What type? I started reciting - oh two D & C's (female procedure), several oral surgeries and I've delivered two children! Each time I'd mention what I thought was a past "surgery", he would nod his head, as if waiting for the big one. Well I hadn't had the big surgery. So all he muttered was - "this is going to set you back and turn your world upside down."
While I tried to comprehend just what he meant, I chose not to. Because I hadn't had any reference to what he was trying to prepare me for.
A few days post-op (first surgery) I KNEW instantly what he was referring to.
So now when I hear of someone in for major surgery, I have a pretty good idea what they'll feel like post-op.
I should add my second surgery was nothing like my first. That first one just about
did me in. And then some.
I also remember hobbling around this house like you describe and hearing my favorite local band were considering reuniting, they hadn't played together in 15 years. I was dying but vowed to my husband had they played that very night, I would have been there, grenades and all. lol He joked - and I'd have pushed you in a wheelchair too! But they reunited 1 year later and as I stood feet from the stage, and danced, I remember thinking - I feel so much better 1 year later!!! Thank goodness they hadn't reunited 2 weeks after my first surgery.
Surgeries like you had will do funny things to your psyche. You'll likely be more aware of others' pain and general health. It's as if you've become a member of an exclusive club - one that you didn't necessarily want to join but you're there whether you like it or not!
I see our bio's are missing:
Colorectal Cancer Survivor - now experiences daily IBS woes. That's enough for now!
Post Edited (Marsky) : 11/8/2010 5:20:44 AM (GMT-7)