I have chronic constipation , bloating, gas to the point that I am very close to giving up on food all together. I spent last weekend at a conference I was so happy to go but to only be in the bathroom dealing with an impaction. I have tried Phillips probiotics and still suffered . I am trying Align 1 week into it and unfortunately had to take a laxztive today as my stomach could distend anymore and i couldn't eat . I am the only person i know that can eat a bag of prunes with a glass natural juice and still be constipated. My experience has been that fiber (which adds to the bloating and gas) doesn't help I have done everything I can think of and I am very
open to any suggestions. I am not a picky eater and I eat no processed foods, white bread, or anything that may aggravate or bring on constipation and it's close friend impaction urg. I really feel not eating solid food is looking like my only option to abdominal peace help!