Marburg said...
The thing to remember with H Pylori, is once you have it your blood tests will be positive for at least a year and sometimes longer. So, the only true way to detect once you've had it is with an endo.
My symptoms started around Xmas just past, fowl breath when burping, bowel changes, constipation, and more lately pain in upper shoulder blades mostly the upper right.
I am passing bowel movements without too much straining now, but they still look either pellet shaped or ribbon shaped, and I can have diarrhoea right after, the stools can be different colours and the diarrhoea can be yellow orange colour.
I am convinced that I have initially had a bacteria infection and it could be the H Pylori, as I have read that this infection can irritate an ulcer even cause an ulcer which could then cause gall bladder issues.
As I am typing this my back is killing me.
My endo is in the middle of April, will it still show signs of this infection do you think, that is if I do have it that is.