Thank you so much for your advice, I really appreciate it.
I had thought about
creating my own portable toilet for the car but a relative is driving me so if I did have to use it, one of us might have to tuck and roll out of the car in embarrassment, or maybe never make eye contact again! I think I am going to take them earlier, thanks so much I just wanted to make sure they wouldn't be able to tell but you're right I won't be eating anything and kazbern what you say makes me feel less on edge about
the travel urge fear. Tori thanks for letting me know what prep they've given you, it makes me feel better about
the amount they've given me (I hope yours goes well in the next few weeks) I tried to give the hospital a ring earlier but no one was available to talk to me so have to try again early tomorrow so you're answers mean so much to me, thank you!!