I have read other posts and still not sure if what I am going through is IBS. If anyone out there has similar symptoms to mine please share.
What the heck is going on? 26 year old female with severe stomach pain!!!
A little history; I have always had horrible menstraul periods. My gyno put me on the pill when I was 15 and that has seemed to help. I had my gallbladder removed in 2005 because of bad gallstones and infection. Havent had any real stomach issues since. So heres the current situation... the last two months I have been getting horrible stomach cramping with vomiting and extremely watery diarrhea (no fever) 2-3 days before my menstrual period starts. It is so severe I was hospitalized for 3 days the first time and 2 days the second time. They did a CT scan, stool samples, and bloodwork both times I was in the ER and everything came out fine. My primary care physican is sending me to a GI specialist but he said he is suspecting IBS. Any thoughts or suggestions? I am terrified of getting this pain again