Going on about
14 years now I have been having constipation problems, it seems to be getting even worse. Now it is getting to the point where I may go once every three weeks, and if I do go it is cold sweats, and what almost feels like labor pains, then the nausea comes, finally I go but I vomit at the same time. I have tried laxatives, diets, and went to the doctor a few times (which got me no where) where they tell me I am servely const. For the last month my stomach has been swollen and looks as if I am pregnant, and any pressure sends pains through my whole stomach. I am also really gasy. If anyone has had any problems like this please give me some pointers, I am starting to be very depressed over this because not only am I physlically suffering from this but now it is starting to effect my outside apperance. Thank you