I have had IBS for over 40 yrs, my patterns have gone from IBS C to IBSD, then lately IBS A. My question at the moment right now I'm so confused never had IBSA (both has gone both ways) this has been happening to me the past month. I have been on librax for years when need do to my IBS.
I have been having so much cramps lately. Cut back with caffeine, I acutally don't even drink soda at all. Other then coffee which I cut back going thru crazy withdrawl. One of the days turns out so bad, that couldn't even talk being so frustated with it. Knowing have been thru this for years that at point sometime you can't even enjoy your day. This time just curious notice some bleeding in the mucus but I dont' have hemorrhode. (trying not sound disgusting). On top of this I have ucler know when my ucler act ups usually I get burning feeling. This time totally my IBS. Sometime, I just don't know how to handle this anymore.
Lately someone told me try peppermint tea, probotic ? The only thing I hate trying something diffrent not sure may work or not. I was taking mutli Enzyme and betaine Hydrochlordie vatinams. To break down enzyme on food to help digestive for years with my IBS. Just lately things have change getting cramps, bloating. numb in the leg from being tend and stress out (almost like your body freeze up in shock kinda of action) do to the nerves being intend.
As far food goes, the best having some toast, eggs whites, turkey breasts, or chicken breasts. No gravy or mayanoise. The most stay away from dairy products. There's limited on vegetables that works. I understand some receipes you have to add dairy products but if you can limited or get away without it better off. Other then drinks the best water, or gatorde.
I had done this diet for for years since I was disgnoise with IBS.
Very understanding with everyone that has IBS issues, I have seen so many simpler things that I have gone thru in the past and present time now. Can related with others.
I would be glad to chat with anyone exchanging any help, or reply to my message here.