I'm a 17 year old girl, 20 days ago I had serious diarrhea problems due to a virus,i felt better after taking some immodium for 2-3 days but i have a bigger problem i wake up with rectal tenesmus every day since then and it doesn't go away until i go to sleep, i stayed on a diet but it didn't help, my doctor said it's nothing to worry about
,I've been at the hospital for 5 days where they checked all my symptoms but it was all negative, no Crohn,no nothin, i go to the toilet normally twice a day, my tenesmus is stronger in the morning and i've been missing many school days because i can't manage to sit in class for more than 10 minutes,and can't handle my 20 minutes bus ride anymore, it has now been a month and i don't know what to do anymore, i feel like I always need to go to the bathroom and never feel empty once finished,I can't go out of my house and this is not how I want to spend the rest of my life, I want my life back, I want to go to school and hang with my friends and family like I used to, without this frustrating feeling.
Please if you ve suffered or suffer with my same symptoms please give me some advice, I have no support my family thinks I'm crazy and I spend days crying in my room alone..is this going to last forever?