My husband (35 YO) had his first colonoscopy to diagnois bloody stools about
a month ago. Post procedure he has been experiencing increasingly persistent and severe, abdominal pain (LLQ), gas and bleeding (bright red). He called the General Surgery Clinic a week after the procedure to report these symptoms and he was given the run around. He called them on 2 spearate occasions and they told him to go to the ER. He eventally went to the ER due to the pain and lack of sleep. The first time he went to the ER they gave him prednisone 50mg to take once a day. Prednisone seemed to initially help, but then a few days into the treatment, his symptoms have worsened. Most of the time he has diaherrea and there is always blood. He'll go the bathroom between 10-20 times a day! Sometimes all he passes is blood! We went to the ED again. They gave him I.V fluids for dehydration, chest x-ray (fine), blood work (fine), stool sample (cup of blood) (fine), physical exam (ab tenderness) and internal medicine consulted--they said everything was fine. Everything is not fine! They said there was nothing they could do for him unless he became hemodynamically unstable due to blood loss! Really?? He's scheduled to see an internal medicine specialist this week. But in the meantime...he is miserable and continues to present with worsening symptoms. When we see the IM doc I am going to demand an ultrasound and/or CT, as none of these have been done to diagnois a potential bowel ob, kidney ob, psoas abscess or volvolous in addition to a perf or punc. Everything I am reading says to contact your doctor immediatley if you experience: severe/persist ab pain, fever, bloody bowel movements and vomiting. Pain and bleeding post colonoscopy should only last for a few day--we're going on over a month. Nobody is helping us and I'm so worried about
Post Edited (mtngal77) : 12/13/2012 4:11:13 AM (GMT-7)