Hi guys :)
I'm a 23 year old female and totally pi**ed off! I've had stomach problems since I was younger but they sort of came and went away. I'd say over the last 5/6 years they've come back. A lot more so over the last few years. I'm normally at my worst in the morning, I'll need to use the toilet between 2 and 4 times before I even leave for work. There's occasions where I have to stop at a petrol station a few miles up the road because I desperately need the toilet again. It's normally quite loose and diarrhea-like (sorry! TMI).
I started taking Immodium (and other branded stuff that's the same thing!) which is a life saver. I don't think I'd do half the things I do if I didn't take it! While on holiday I had an hours journey back to our hotel from the cruise port and I think I took about
6 before they kicked in - I was having a really bad morning (probably due to the rich food onboard) but I do wonder what all this immodium is doing to me? I've never had any accidents thankfully. It gets even worse when I know I can't get to a toilet, the anxious feeling kicks in and it makes the feeling even worse and I start to get all clammy and panicky. Long journeys are a nightmare because I stress over them
Eg. It's my friends birthday and she wants to go out of town (an hour and a half drive). Sometimes alcohol really messes me up the next day so I am just stressing but don't want to let her down but the fear of the journey home is horrible.
It's starting to eat me up and stop me from doing things that I'd usually jump at. On the way home from holiday last year, the aeroplane was taxing to the run way and my stomach flipped and I know I couldn't hold it. I asked to use the toilet and why and she said no but then said yes if I was quick but I'd have to be out when a light went on or the plane wouldn't be able to take off. The thought of delaying the plane frightened me so I didn't go an did hold it. However we've rebooked to go back to Orlando and I am kinda freaking out even though it's not til' October!
I want to go to my doctors because they can probably help me and get this under control but I have to say I am a bit embarrassed but as my boyfriend says, they've heard it all before! I also get upper abdominal pains since 2 years ago which after scans and tests, they didn't know why. They said it was possibly a hiatus hernia, but nothing was confirmed. Luckily my boyfriend is really understanding and patient and understands that if I need to go, I NEED to go! He's my rock :)
Just wondering shall I bite the bullet and go to the doctors - in the back of my head I do worry it could be something worse than IBS and I'm being silly not going but I think my embarrassment is stopping me.
Any input would be useful! Thanks x