I'm so glad I found you all.
I've had this same problem on and off for two years ( more on than off)
This last year has been so horrible I've wanted to gut myself.
Doc say there's nothing really to do or send me to a therapist.
As if the discomfort is in my head!:-(
I've been respectful and followed advice but this is my life we ate talking about
. I have not been able to work in two years because its so debilitating. Sounds silly but really. I want thru 9 months of chemo and that was nothing in comparison to this discomfort.
It changes you and your personality:-( you want to do stuff but just can't because of the discomfort , it took three years for a professional to finally see and believe I can gain 4" in ten minutes around my abdomen.
Sorry to vent but I'm so relieved to find others who understand,
I even had my significant other leave me because he said " your stomach discomfort can't make you this miserable and not able to go climb" I would do almost anything to be active again and work and lie without this gut thing:-(
Okay, well.. Ill keep looking for a solution and thank you guys, you ate all like my angels... Just knowing others understand