hi there,
I had had two nissen, the first one went well, the second one twenty years later went bad. Mainly because i developed gastroparesis. meaning the stomach does not move stuff down to the lower guts. for two years my GI had new clue, a new GI, sugested a motility study, and they gave me a new drug. This drug, domeridona, cannot be purchase in the usa, but can be purchased in canada or mexico via web or mail.
I have been to 5 different doctors, the last one, did a gluten test on my and turns out I don't tolerate anything gluten related, so I have stayed away from wheat, and that has helped.
Finally, I have turned to meditation, and energy healing. I would strongly recommend that, not one but many meditation teachers, sessions, books, calm the mind, and the body will calm and you will feel better.
potentially they might need to redo the nissen, if it is too tight, but if you ever go for seconds, please get the ultramost expert on redos, my was an ASS, and only had done a few before, so scan your docs.
'I also had a food sensitivity study done, they tell $400 , they tell you waht to it and what works best for your body. try that too.
acupunture helps. Digiestive enzimes, as for food try ripe papaya, helps digistion big time, and finally, take aloe vera, peal it, and eat the gel, but in a blender with two drops of lemon and two drops of honey or no lemon.
best luck.