I'm conducting a poll to determine what percentage of IBS sufferers have had
thorough examinations of different sections of the digestive tract. My interest in particular is the
small intestine, because historically this has been overlooked. While endoscopy and colonoscopy are not uncommon, the capusule endoscopy and small bowel series are less frequently performed.
Since the small intestine is the longest portion of the digestive system, and the least examined one, I wonder whether IBS issues for "unknown"/"undetermined" causes are actually the result of damage, disease or other conditions of the small intestine which would become apparent upon capsule endoscopy.
The most accurate and complete exams for the digestive tract are the endoscopy, cap endoscopy and colonoscopy (and to a slightly lesser extent the different radiological scans), therefore this survey only asks about whether you have had one or more of those. Such things as blood tests as excluded.
This is an ongoing poll - if you participate, please answer accurately, completely and only once. Thanks