I am in the same boat as you. Started having stomach issues this last December, went to Dr., he did nothing, changed doctors, had End, Colonoscopy , everything was ok., had several blood tests, all ok, no Hpylori......was prescribed zantac, no help,,,,,no appetite, constant constipation, constant stomach and lower back pain., I wake up like this and go to bed the same on Bentyl for the cramping,which helps but does nothing for the other symptoms ........
I have lost way too much weight and look horrible. How can you eat when your stomach is killing you??.......I take Tylenol for the pain, but don't like taking it so much either. For the constipation, try getting some really good olive oil, I get mine from The Temecula Olive oil company in Temecula, CA. You can find them on line. Get a bottle of the Blood Orange olive oil, it tastes like oranges. Mix 1 Tbl oil and 1 Tbl orange juice and shoot it down, drink a swig or two of water to chase it down. Do this in the morning and again before bed. It really helps soften the stool and helps you have more normal stools and it also good for your whole body, including your hair and skin. The oil is pricey, but so worth it. Better than laxatives everyday of your life!
Dr. wants me to have a CT scan next, so am dreading that. I don't like the idea of actually looking for something wrong.......he says mine is due to stress, well hello, this disorder would stress out anyone! way to live your life in misery everyday!.........the weight loss alone is stressful.
I am trying Fennel this week for the cramping, so maybe I can ditch the RX. As miserable as it is, I would get a colonoscopy done, just to rle out blockage, etc.