you should see a GI doctor, or your PCP. i had blood in my stools for 29 days straight. it finally has stopped several days after having a colon polyp removed during a colonoscopy.
is it bright red? is it kind of "snotty" like mucus. (sorry graphic..) or is it dark? and is it in the stool or afterwards. (i think you mentioned that it is afterwards...)
mine was from my polyp, it was snotty and everywhere, sometimes it was just blood and no stool. at first i wasn't going to go to a doctor but i am very glad i did, that is how i was diagnosed with a whole bunch of other stuff and i am on my way to healing...
my feeling now is that you should see a doctor if you have blood.
i haven't ever had a hemmoriod, but it could be that you have one, internally, maybe? that is what they checked me for first, then did blood and stool cultures and then colonoscopy and other stuff... you should call the doctor and be seen.
best of luck to you, i know it is scary...my thoughts are with you!