I have researched the use of controlled carb dieting specifically to treat GERD. I have been sharing my thoughts on the GERD board and I noticed that some people who have tried the approach are reporting that it helped their IBS as well. I do not know a lot about IBS and would like to become educated on this condition.
Does anyone know the relative proportion of IBS sufferers who also suffer from acid reflux? I have been told that many do. I also understand that many IBS sufferers have intestinal gas. Is that a common symptom. The reason I ask is that my theory states that people who consume excess carbs suffer from intestinal gas produced by gut microorganisms - the microbes (mostly bacteria) that normally inhabit our intestinal tract. The gas, according to my theory, creates pressure in the intestines and stomach driving acid reflux in those with relatively weak lower esophageal sphincters. The reason controlled carb works is because the gas producing fuel (carbs) is removed. Proteins and fats are metabolized differently and, as a result, produce much less gas in the upper intestines and stomach. If gas pressure produced in the same way was the culprit in IBS, there may be a connection and controlled carb approach might be applicable for the treatment of IBS.
Does any of this ring true to people with IBS?
Just Curious
Post Edited By Moderator (7Lil) : 10/18/2005 9:22:41 AM (GMT-6)