I was just wondering if anyone else is on this and how expensive it is? I don't have insurance and have had to pay everything out of pocket!!!
The GI that I saw sent me a letter stating that he thought that I had Functional Abdominal Pain and that I should take Zelnorm. He said that it decreases the pain signals rising. Well My pcp says that I have Ibs or diverticulitis! I am so confused! I still have pain, nausea, constipation/small traces of blood,bloating that has not gone away!!!
I have also had pain in RUQ that really hits hard sometimes and goes thru to my back! I wondered if this is Gallbladder???? Also have red bumps that are on my stomach and back???? My tongue has big red/white bumps at the back of it and can feel it down my throat.Itchy skin as well! Help please! I am falling apart!!
Just soooooo frustrated with doctors!