Ever since I was about
11 I remember these random episodes where all of a sudden I had to go. The cramping and diarrea (but never any constipation) were terrible..but the symptoms only lasted a matter of hours (1-4 max) and then they were gone again for days or even weeks.
These symptoms have presented themselves every few weeks for over 11 years and aren't very painful, but VERY annoying and have interfered with my life (missing class/leaving school when I was younger), this may also be due to the fact I have issues with public restrooms, especially going #2 in a public restroom. It seems that it is constant above diet (I ate healthy until I was 18, and now it's mostly junk but the symptoms are the same frequency), I take no medicines besides ibruprofen, and have no other health conditions or an overabundance of stress. The symptoms are always worse about a day before my period. I had always assumed it was lactose intolerance and steered clear of dairy (which I have since learned that dairy can effect IBS).
Getting to my question..is diarrea on a regular basis enough of a symptom to consider it IBS, and even though it's not painful are there any treatment options so that I an avoid this embarassing problem and get back to living a normal life without wondering if I'll have an "attack"??? -- MSUgirlie