CSOG, I'm sorry to hear your daughter is having such a rough time. Like most of us on this board, I too have endured a lot of tests, but the thing is that they usually find some abnormality that doesn't really fit into their idea of what the puzzle is, so I still don't have a diagnosis. I, like your daughter, have episodes of pain that are so intense there isn't anything else to do except go to the ER for morphine shots. That happens about every 1-2 months. The rest of the time I make do with some anti-spasmodics or the occasional narcotic painkiller by mouth. I have frequent diarrhea, lost about 30 pounds, have low-grade fevers all the time, some bleeding occasionally. Nocturnal symptoms as well. The docs tell me they don't think it's IBS but they don't have an answer! It is super frustrating. Totally sympathize with you...
You might want to get repeat scopings done, if you can. Or get your daughter a capsule endoscopy if your insurance will pay for it. It's a camera that is swallowed and takes about two pictures per second as it travels through the small bowel (part of the intestine that can't be scoped normally). It passes through the digestive system and is eliminated (no, you don't have to retrieve it!). It can be a pretty good test to diagnose small bowel disease. Have you heard of it?