Actaully altough not offically dx with anythig at the time of my preganancies, I felt better after the first trimester, but at the end of 3rd trimester, the d comesback in full force, sign of close to labor so I was told. I think you may find many people on several of these forums actually feel better during pregnancy, not everyone but quite a few, not sure why though?? Becasue I know hormones play a bg role in alot of these autimmnune disorders, so you would think it would be worse during pregnancy?? I think its after the pregancy that the immune system has been woken up and thats when your body starts to over immnune if you know what I mean, thats just my experience, and from what I can tell from others stoires, is what alot of people experinece,but we are all different very hard to say how it may turn out for you. Im sorry not much of a help, hopefully others will have more and better advice. I can tell you there is a lady in the lupus forum who is now 6 months pregnant never felt better. But I am thinking gonna be a diffent story 6 months after birth. I also knew alady who has cerably palsy, could barley walk, has to use walker canes etc, when she was pregnant she was as healthy as could be walked perfectly fine. but after baby born, she was back to same ole problems, maybe some wise person here can explain the whole hormone thing here, why well during pregnancy and then back to being sick after pregancy??? Good luck MSU, hoepe others have some answers...