To make my long story a bit shorter. Problems began in February, I was taking Ciprofloxicin for a strange case of epididymitis. During this time, I started to notice anal itching which gradually got worse. One day I had a burning sensation while on the toilet and nothing came out except clear liquid. After that I continued to had itching every single time I went for a BM, then I started to get a sensation like something was in my anus, the size of a marble which would come after each BM and then slowly subside. During this while situation, I've had mostly semi-solid BMs. Almost feels like diarrhea to pass. They are ragged at the ends, they take a solid formation but above water they are very mushy and I keep noticing what looks like undigested particles in them. At least 9 out of 10 BMs will be this way.
Went to the GP, and they did a routine exam. Said that nothing looked abnormal with my anus, except that the skin between my buttocks looked a bit swollen. She did a brief finger exam and found no blood, but obviously she cannot tell what could be going on inside to produce a feeling of knot or ball. I was given RX strength hemorrhoid cream and astringent wipes and told to increase fiber. I guess a GP would not be able to "feel" anything like a tumor just doing a finger exam?
I'm not convinced that it's internal hemorrhoids, worried that it could be much worse. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think that hemorrhoids would change the consistency of BMs. I've read that mushy/gooey stool is very bad sign of colon problems. Obviously my skin has become very irritated with constant moisture, which is probably common in most issues where there is leakage. I'm not positive, but I doubt that I could be mistaking the "knot" feeling as being internal when it could possibly external but that thought has occurred to me.
A few of the stranger aspects to all of this, is the fact that symptoms began after taking Cirpo (which I also developed a rash from taking). I wonder if the drug has had anything to do with my problem (C Diff)?? Stranger, is how I ever developed epididymal inflammation to start with, as I know I can completely rule out any STI and I've never had it before in my life. Makes me worry about
the possibility of an underlying cause maybe connected to both issues. Mostly what I worry about
is cancer obviously, be it testicular, colon, or something related.
Has anyone here been through a similar situation / had similar symptoms, what did you find out about
it? Any feedback appreciated.
Post Edited (needsomehelp22) : 4/23/2017 5:02:34 PM (GMT-6)