Hi Got2HaveFaith- I'd have to say that something is better than nothing. Even though I realize it's not ideal- ideally we'd be able to eat a normal healthy diet. Before i had this IBS issue, I ate perfectly (I was such a geek like that!)- I had like 3-5 serving of veggies, at least 3 of fruit, etc., etc. Now, I'm all about
starch. Not that I don't like starch- i'm actually a starch junkie but I'm dying to eat a more balanced diet. But now some veggies (I'm getting all nostalgic here! Man, i used to eat mile high salads full of real veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, peppers, carrots, beans, chunks of cheese with a nice dressing. sniffle sniffle!!) send me running to the john. Same with fruit- my choices are very limited. I'm hoping to someday ease back in but so far, those attempts have not been overly successful. Anyhow, getting back to my point, carnation has nutritional value and so it won't hurt to replace the 'nothing' meals with at least some sustanance (sp.?) Some of the IBS experts do not recommend not eating for long periods of time, though I understand some of us can't help it. So, I say go for it and good luck. Hopefully soon, you'll be able to move on to a better diet.