I have a vapor machine, it comes with a sample herbal mix that helps with the nausia. I dont know if I can speak freely of what I use, I dont want to offend anyone. I've tried the ginger, it helps a little bit but not for long, I find whatever I use the nausia comes back.
I, most mornings wake up feeling nausiated, I have a hard time making my kids lunches without feeling ill. Some mornings are worse then others, but once I"m able to use, I'm able to go on with my daily activities. I'm a stay at home mom, makes it easy.
I hope this didnt offend anyone, if it did I'm sorry I didnt mean too. Just giving some of my personal experience in dealing with IBS.
Post Edited By Moderator (Admin) : 11/27/2006 10:36:29 AM (GMT-7)