Hi newlywed,
Welcome to HealingWell!
No, your doc has not steered you wrong.... BUT, she should have ordered some tests. How often do you go to the toilet? Is it always D? Do you have pain? Do you ever see blood?
What Canyon says is correct.... Fiber helps both D & C. People with D need to bulk up their stool. People with C need to be able to go.
The calcium will help too. The only thing to consider is magnesium - make sure you DO NOT get calcium with magnesium. It will add to your D. Same goes for any antacids (Tums, Rolaids, etc.), do not get w/magnesium. You should try what Canyon mentioned, Caltrate with Vitamin D. The calcium will absorb excess water in your stool and it will help soothe any inflammation you may have. Start by taking 1 pill in the morning with food and then maybe another in the evening if you're still having D. You can play with the dosage if you start getting constipated. Do not take over 1800mgs per day. Also, make sure that if you are on any meds you check with your doc or pharmacist about
adding calcium. Sometimes calcium can interfere with the effectiveness of meds.
Another thing to consider are probiotics. With all the D you are having you must be flushing out most of your "good" bacteria. Adding them back into your digestive system can help with the D. You can find supplements at most drug stores and definitely at health food stores. Or, you can get them through yogurt. Dannon Activia seems to be the majority favorite. Many of us have had GREAT results with it.
I hope you can find something that works for you. Don't be shy to ask any more questions...