Well, I mean I'm knew to this forum but not to ibs.
Just thought I'd Introduced myself. My name is Erica, and I almost 17. I've had ibs for a few years now. I went through the thing with the gi and the scope, and I finally got diagnosed with ibs and lactose intolerance. Im still not up to snuff yet,but hopefully soon thinkgs will start to calm down. They originally thought it was Crohn's,which I am thankful it is not that. Currently I am not on any medication for my ibs, I just watch what I eat and if I happen to have a flare-up then I deal with it. I sometimes get a little scared because I have heard so many stories of people getting diagnosed with ibs but really having Crohns. I do have a lot of the symptoms, but tests have showed nothing. So, for the time being Im just taking it little by little. This whole ordeal has inspired me actually. I would like to become a pediatric G.I. I want to help others who may have ibs or ibd or any kind of stomach problem. I feel these types of disorders are overlooked a lot because they are far worse things. However, these disorders to cause pain and disturbances of everyday life and they need to be dealt with. Anyways, i thought I would just stop by and introduce myself. Thanks For Your Time