Hey y'all! I saw the new GI today. So far I like him the best out of all the GIs I've seen! His bedside manner was MUCH improved over the others'. He actually spent probably an entire half hour with me, which is unimaginable.
Anyway, he is repeating stool tests for ova and parasites, Giardia, qualitative fecal fat, and leukocytes, on the off chance they will reveal something this time. He said he thinks there's some infectious process going on since I've had positive fecal leukocyte tests in the past, plus the presence of fevers, and because Flagyl has worked in relieving the symptoms. He did say that depending on the results of these tests he will probably want to do another colonoscopy to see if anything has changed in the past two years.
After the stool tests he's putting me on a 10-day course of rifaximin, which is a different kind of antibiotic. Said that rotating antibiotics every six months might be enough to keep my guts in check.
Anyway, thought I'd pass on the good news that I saw someone I actually liked.