i feel so ruogh at mo had pains in sides agian and d. i t is now strarting to really get me down. i hvae bascailly given up hope of finding something to ease my pain. i was surpose to be going out for a nigth out but instaed had to stay in bed. i had to leave collage early on thurday as i felt so ruogh and couldn't stay off the loo.
my work hvae told me thta thye want to contact my gp to see if i can carry on working or the will sack me if thye feel thta i will need any more time of. thsi is making me feel stressed and upset. if i lose my job i will hvae no money and aslo find it hard to find another one if i get sacked. i went in to work on friday feeling like crap felt really sick and kept having to go to the loo. i had no choice but to go to work and i had to work late. i felt so dissy i thoguht i was gonna pass out. i spent most of the time on the loo and my work collgues just watched me not even an are you ok from thme.
it seems thta i take one step fowrad and two back. i hvae been bter in myself as i was suffering depression because of my stomach problems end of last year. i just see other peole on here posting something positive thye get a diagnoses and thne help but i just seem to get negativety from gi and gp. i am going to see gi at hos on monday i am praying he can help me. sometimes i just feel like i need a break from it all.
at the mo i am going to relaxsation classes and yoga run by my local mental health unit i come out feeling relaxed but thne go back to wrok and go home completeyl stressed. i just dont know hwat to do any more. i just fel like i hvae no control over any thing now. i use to be able to chose what i wanted to do but now my body tells me whether i can go out. ibs has cut me off from my friends thye go out and enjoy thmeselves. i get phone calls texts etc about
what thye have ben doing . i feel angry thta i cant doing what i want. i just wanna fel noralm again.