Hi Robert...first of all, I feel for you! I know what you're going though. Just like you, my diarrhea "hits me" upon awakening in the morning. I'd say about
10 minutes after I wake up, I'm off to the bathroom...sometimes it's diarrhea, sometime loose stools, needless to say, it's not normal. I've been like this since March '06. It was a sudden onset. I have no fevers or no blood in stools. I do, however have excess mucus in stools. The GI specialist can't find anything wrong with me (even though I feel that there is which is VERY frustrating)...I had a colonoscopy, EGD, hidascan, blood tests, stool cultures, ultrasounds, ct scan...all normal. (They did say I had some GERD when I had the EGD done.)
My GI specialist tried a number of Rx, including Librax, Bentyl, & Elavil and it didn't work for me. (The Rx drugs made me feel worse...but I know everybody is different.) I don't know what the answer is. I'm due to have a baby in a couple of weeks and I plan to continue IBS-D treatment with homeopathic methods. Rx drugs make me feel worse. Right before I found out I was pregnant, I went to a homeopathic doctor. He put me on a probiotic powder that you mix with distilled water along with an "under the tounge" pill that dissolves. (all is 100% natural). It was starting to help some, but I discontinued use when I found out I was pregnant. I just chose not to take anything while pregnant, and boy has this IBS-D been a joyride to deal with.
If you ever have a question, don't hesitate to ask!