I am beyond frustrated.... Since December I have been experiencing chronic persistent abdominal pain. I was also severely constipated. After months of complaining to my GP, he finally sent me for a barium enema, but not a colonoscopy. Because of the severity of the
constipation, regardless of the prep, the barium enema came inconclusive because of significant residual stool. I began to miss lectures at university because I was in too much pain to attend class. I also made frequent visits to the ER with a severly distended tummy,
bloating, constipation and nausea. They would only ever do X Rays, tell me I am constipated and send me home with a fleet enema.
One day while visiting another doctor, they suggested I present to an ER with acute abdominal pain. I had a CT Scan, bloodwork, and X Rays all which came up normal (I saw a surgeon). I was referred to a GI doctor where I had a clear colonoscopy and endoscopy. After the testing because I was 'clean' I felt better, but after eating whole wheat products, fruits, vegetables, dairy (basically everything I normally eat) I would experience diarhea immediately after meals. I recently had a followup with that doctor who told me everything was normal. He doesn't know what it could be, it could be IBS, it could be a dairy allergy, maybe even gallstones. The med student did an abdominal exam and when I told her I was in pain, she tried changing the subject asking me about
university and basically dismissing my pain.
The pain is persistent and I am becoming more frustrated. It is spasm like, worse after meals, and feels as though a pair of forceps are squeezing my insides. That GI doctor is sending me for an ultrasound September 26th to check for gallstones.
I was born premature, had a burst bowel, colostomy, and ruptured appendix. I have also had abdominal reconstructive surgery and one of our thoughts was scar adhesions....
This is interfering with my life. I have missed school and work. I am on the Deans Honours List and I love my program and what I do. I work for the school board while I am becoming certified to teach elementary.
I have ANOTHER colonoscopy and endoscopy tomorrow with another GI doctor (I had two referrals). So I am doing the prep now and its not fun :(
I just want some treatment for the pain.........