When I have my endo's which is every two years the last thing I remember is turning on my side. Last year I vaguely felt something move in my stomach or somewhere but not enough to be uncomfortable and then I was under again. I have never been awake for one, though my Mom was when she had one done in the hospital years ago. Many years ago, in fact she was sitting in a chair she told me and the Doctor was explaing it to students. I was furious as she was not young then and I would think that you should have to give your permission. That was over 30 years ago and things have changed but I was scare to death for my first which was about
25 years ago and I was out for that one so no worry. People can request not to be put out as it doesn't hurt, I guess, but no me. You will be fine. Sigmoids you are not out for and some people aren't out even for colonscopies but with the exception of one I always have been. I won't go thru that again awake.