This is in regards to puppypaws post: I have IBS just 2 weeks ago I started burping up rotten/sour smelling stuff out of my somach, at least 100 times a day, then I started dry heaving and could not eat or even take a sip of water. I was on vacation so I went to the ER and they said that I had a acute IBS attack. They put me on pain meds because of the constant pain in my lower left Quardrant, and many different antibiotics, and liquids. After 4 days in the hospital I went home, still could not eat. The doc said it would take a good two weeks for my IBS to settle down. So after the 2 weeks I started to feel like my old self again so I slowly went back to my normal eating habits. Just 2 days ago I started getting sick with it again, so now I am trying some adidophillus pill to see if that will help me. I am lactose intollerent so I am taking some dairy easy with my pills as I do not want to make my symptoms worse.
I am very bloated, nausiated, painful trapped gas in my intestines so now I am bummed that I am so sick again. I dont use ice in my water any more and I quit chewing gum as they produce gas.
I have to watch everything that I eat so basically I am on water and crackers. So if you have the same symptoms that I have had dont let it go, either go to the hospital or try restricting your diet. I am also on chronic pain meds and that makes it worse.