Hey everyone hope you all are well and staying strong I'm alright but could be better lol,I just wanted to come and share with you that I've started taking the Digestive Advantage IBS I'm on my third day.It's doing what it said it would do on the box making me feel just a little gassy.It's going to take up to 7 to 14 days I think for me to notice a change in how I feel.I'm going to keep up with it and hopefully I'll notice a good change,for awhile now my mind was stuck just running over and over again what I could have done differently in my life to not end up the way I'm at now.That was really effecting my gut so today my mind is now relaxed and not stressing out so much,is anyone dealing with a lot of rain today? Other then that I'm thinking of going back to taking the L-glutamine and see what will happen.Does anyone have any plans for the 4th I myself will be alone again but will cope lol.Wishing you all good stomach and digestive health and I will keep you updated on the Digestive Advantage IBS take care all.