Hi everybody
In May I discovered that I am gluten intolerant which certainly didn't help my IBS. So I went gluten free and soon after I went dairy free also. With IBS-C I had always passed mucus with my BM, but on the gluten and dairy free diet, that stopped straight away. I started eating a lot of fruit in order to help the constipation, but soon began to notice I was passing mucus again. This puzzled me but I continued doing what I was doing. Eventually I started developing other symptoms such as passing a lot of gas and I had a lot of belching and bowel cramps. I did some online research and came across fructose intolerance and to cut a long story short, I cut out most of the fruit I'd been eating. I stopped passing mucus straight away and the gas and belching stopped also. I have come to the conclusion that very often the passage of mucus with BM is a sign of a food intolerance which cause all manner of distressing and worrying symptoms. Until now I could never eat peanuts or things like lettuce with getting the collywobbles next day. Not anymore! I don't know whether it's being dairy-free or gluten-free that's brought about this healing, but I wouldn't go back to my old diet for quids! I am seeing my gastro to make sure there is no underlying problem, but in my mind I am certain my problems have all been down to food intolerances. And undiagnosed food intolerances can cause a whole heap of other problems. I know, because I've been there.