Hi Everyone,
I'm new to the forum and I am curios to hear some other thoughts on what I am experiencing. A little background information first...I am a 34 year old woman who's had 3 children, the most recent being a year ago. Since my pregnancy with my first child over 8 years ago I have suffered from horrible acid reflux. After my 2nd child (4 1/2 years ago) I lost alot of weight (80 lbs) and the acid started to subside a bit - when I did get it (usually at the time of the month for a few days) any OTC meds worked. Fast forward to 6 months ago - 6 months after the birth of my 3rd child, I started experiencing horrible acid once again for about
2 weeks out of the month (normally mid cycle until my period came). The acid was also accompanied by horrible gas, to the point of getting chest pains. At first I thought I was having a heart attack but took some gas meds and sure enough it was gone. This went on for 3-4 months, every month I would get acid and bad gas. Then for 2 months it stopped, not sure why but I completely forgot about
it. Now, just this past week it has started up again in full force. about
a week ago I started with the horrible acid reflux, I could easily consume a bottle of tums in one-two days. A few days later the gas started up again, I found myself with chest pains (mild) and constantly burping to relieve the pain. I also noticed that sometimes I will get a strange feeling in my abdomen (right between my ribs) that is not painful but almost feels like a gas bubble moving down. The odd part is that I have gotten these symptoms both after eating and also on an empty stomach (well with only my morning coffee in there). I will also go from constipated to diahrea rather quickly and I noticed that when I am constipated the gas is worse. At a loss, I decided to do some research and came up with IBS, Indigestion or GERD.
I am curious as to what you all think this may be and how you are controlling it? I know I have not been eating great lately but I plan to start dieting again soon to lose the last of my weight so I am hoping that may help a bit. I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts.
Thank you for taking the time to read this!