Hi Im female 30 mother of one 12 year old. about a year ago I noticed blood on the outside of my stool. I have always had problems with constipation. Did fecal occult and nothing which was odd. went to doc and they did finger exam. He said he thinks it was an internal hemi. But that he wasnt worried because i was 29 at the time.
last winter I got sick and had dirreha which resulting in massive rectal bleeding. Which went in and saw another doc who tested my blood for a ray of things all neg. Bleeding went away when direaha did.
So problem has been on and off this whole time. Worse with direaha about a table sppon full of blood bright red. blood on surface of stool when constipated spots or streaks only.
When I work out and am able to go regularly to the bathroom the problem is gone normally. I was using fiber which helped as well.
I was just wanting to know if anyone had this problem or knew anything. Im just scared is all. |