I know some of you have experienced this, I just need someone to share with me so I can calm myself down and go to sleep :)
I am 28, had my thyroid removed two years ago (cancer). All good since. But since my surgery, I have been having lots of chest pain/flutter.
I suffer really bad from indigestion and am on Losec. I started getting chest pain on a regular basis (about 5 times a week) usually when I am in bed. Ended up in ER a couple of times, got ECG done, blood test, heart is fine - but I am not totally convinced.
I have never been diagnosed with IBS - but after reading the forum, I am wondering if this is what I have? I suffer from EXTREME indigestion if not on Losec. I have had a gastroscopy and it showed NOTHING, my stomach is all normal. I always feel bloated after I eat, and sometimes my stomach just burns. I only notice it a night time when in bed because its the only time I am not too busy rushing about.
I have been getting chest flutter, like there is air in my chest, but different from wind. I feel like my heart skips a beat and then beats really strong, just one beat and goes back to normal, it happens quite often, I am wondering if it could be due to wind? I am soooo worried its something to do with my heart, doctors are not listening to me, as they think I am too young to have a heart problem. I have a cardiologist app next month but I dont want to have to worry everyday until then?
Has anyone suffered similar symptoms with IBS?
Any input will be much appreciated.