So my subject line says it all!
I have UC..since 2006 as per my signature below but I think I may have IBS as well. There are lots of pple who have both I hear. I just can not figure out the difference. Hopeing to get some feedback here.
My symptoms that I think are related to IBS are as follows:
Going for a bm shortly after or during a meal.
Light cramping until I let out the
Urgency for bm (that is usually loose) if and when I get nervous. This is the main thing. When I have a stressful situation I may go 1-5 times in a 10 minute time frame. I know this can be from UC as well (the urgency and frequency) but it seems as though my butt is tied to my brain. I get nervous ..I sweat and I run to the bathroom. When I am done, it someitmes doesnt feel like im done and i will have to go again.
I dont know what foods affect me but I do have alot of gas..through the mouth by burping and the other way as well.
Oh yes, I also have stools that are VERY VERY thin at certain points of the day.
What do you think?