I'm 15 and a half years old, male, non-smoker/non-drinker, 176cm tall and I weight about
69kg. My problem is about
constant abdominal/stomach pain and swelling, not really severe most of the times, albeit some times it's
really noticeable.
From what I've observed, it mostly happens on school days. Whether I eat breakfast there or not (and wait 'till 1:35pm to eat lunch) it doesn't matter, I'll always get a little swelly.
I generally don't eat much. My daily calorie intake is a bit low (about
1700kcal) although I rarely ever do sports, or some other form of exercise - I just walk.
The swelling and pain part lasts for about
10 minutes, and after that it all goes away - or rather, the pain does. Bloating might still stay there for X amount of time. A cup of warm tea always helps me deal with it.
And now for some history: I consider my stomach really weak. I hardly ever not get sick when I get into a car, even if it's only for as little as 5 minutes. I've been like this since I was a boy, and my doctor told us It'd go away as soon as I turned 12, and that it had something to do with my ears, not my stomach. Problem persists to this day. I'm kind of lactose intolerant - did a test and stopped milk intake for some time, it helped, but not much. In a good day I can drink all the milk I want and still stay well. Also, until two years ago I was quite overweight: about
100kg at 173cm. Lost most of it during 6 months time at a 1500/1600 (on average) diet - might I add, during that time I hardly ever remember having this bloating issue.
The only time I was free of it was during summer, when I spent a good two hours a day at the gym or when I ate very little. Of course right now, I don't have that kind of time to waste at the gym or starve myself. Mind you, I was 3kg lighter back then.
Perhaps I should note that I've pretty much replaced normal water with sparkling water since about
4 years go. Could this also be a reason? Until 2 years ago - maybe more, even - I didn't have such bloating issues.
This is driving me crazy. It's nothing major, but it's really annoying, especially if I want to wear t-shirt and I can because of my huge belly.
Looking forward to your answers! I kinda really need them.
Thank you in advance!