Im 20 years old and was diagnosed with helicobactor a month ago. I was sick for 4 months before that, vomiting, unable to eat, weight loss and extreme and intense stomach pains. I was hospitalised 3 times and had many blood tests. They told me I had gastric problems and put me on somac which made me really sick. Finally months later I had the urea breath test which came up positive for helicobactor plyori. I tried the tripple threat medication with heavy doses of antibiotics, it made the pain worse, i started to feel nauseous and dizzy all the time, I became more lethargic then when i was on the somac. After 4 days i had to stop because i couldnt handle the pain anymore. So the doctor said i should try probitor. I started to get my appetite back which is great so I think it may have been working but after a while it made me feel sick all the time just like the other medications ive tried. I went to a different gp in fremantle and the doctor said im only sick because I didnt finish the tripple threat so she gave me a script and im trying a different brand. im now on my 5th day. Im still sick and lethatrgic every day, the headaches are there everyday and i always get hot and cold flushes. I wake up in the middle of the night 3 - 5 times and have been for the past 4 months. I think i may have peptic ulcurs which is caused by helicobactor but im not too sure. The doctor gave me a referal and im booked in for an endoscopy but its not until the 26th of may and i cant get in any sooner because I was told Australia does too many endoscopys. Does anybody else with helicobacor have any of these same problems?